Meet Donna
Someone once described my father as the “quiet man in the corner who commands all the attention.” It sounded like a silly statement, but it made perfect sense. My father is an accomplished public speaker, with a great sense of humor and an infectious laugh. He has a deeply engaging baritone voice – when he speaks, people tend to listen. Most people would be surprised to learn that he is actually quite introverted.
I am my father’s daughter. I spent years traveling the country public speaking and have never been known to shy away from a good party, but I’m really very reserved. Like my father, most who have met me would be surprised to learn that I am an introvert. Crowds of people can be exhilarating in small doses, but I really shine one on one or in smaller groups engaged in more intimate, meaningful conversation.
Owning a business in a customer centric profession, this creates some challenges, but in reality, has a lot of benefits. I may not be the person who jumps up and down and demands to be seen and heard, but I am the person who you want to design your home. Introverts are expert listeners. So, if I have a superpower, that is it.